Monday, March 7, 2016

May-June 1944--Holding Strategic Positions--Anzio Beachhead

May 23, 1944--Moved to a new position by Vallecorsa, Italy.  Rained hard while doing our survey work.  Shells came in during the surveying, and I saw 150 German prisoners.  Saw an Italian woman who had stepped on a booby-trap and it had blown off both of her legs.  This area has been ours for several days, and lots of dead in places. 
May 26--Went to Pico.  It was taken by American troops May 24 at midnight.  On May 27, we went up to an area near Ceprano.  It was taken on the night of May 26, and we got there at 9 a.m.  Ran our survey, and "dug in".
May 29--Went near Pofi, and shells came in.  Planes came over, and it is so hot.  The dead bodies smell terrible, and we are really close to the front.  Am sleeping in an old machine gun pit.
June 2 & 3--Moved to the village of Fesentino.  I drove the Captain up Appian Way to Anzio Beachhead, and up past the town of Cari.  Arrived at 10 p.m.  Had an air raid at 3:30 a.m., so got up and drove up further to the front.  German planes came over strafing.
June 5--The 5th Army entered Rome, and it is ours.  Our troops are five miles on the other side of Rome.  In the past three weeks, we have been in positions on the Gustav Line, the Hitler Line, the Anzio Beachhead Line, and the Alban Hill Line.

Personal Letter Home from Robert to His Family:  May 14, 1944--Since this was Mother's Day, I thought about you a lot, Mama.  I went to a church service, and the Chaplain preached a nice Mother's Day sermon.  I drove the Chaplain today to his different places so he could give his services.  So, I attended FIVE church services in all!  After a bath to get all of the road dust off me, I had dinner and now am at the machine gun from 6-9 p.m.  I got two letters from you today, one from Elsie, and the other from Uncle Lonard.  We are doing some very tough fighting here now. The Artillery firing is deafening, and the air is full of whistling shells.  And German planes came over again last night.  I hope you had a good Mother's Day, and you are one of the best mothers in the world.  Love and Kisses, From Robert"

Pofi, Italy

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